About Me

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I am originally from Puerto Rico, but I was raised primarily in South Florida. Growing up I had the opportunity to live in both countries. I am grateful to have learned both English and Spanish from a very young age and experience two different cultures.

Towards the end of the summer of 2009, I enlisted In the U.S. Army where I served two enlistments totaling in 6 years. During that time, I was fortunate enough to travel to a number of places including Afghanistan. Through these experiences, I learned many life skills that I will value for years to come.

After the military, I relocated to Atlanta to pursue my education. I started in business but quickly realized that the subject was not something I was passionate about. I later discovered that I really enjoyed being creative, and I liked the idea of learning something that would keep me on my toes. After digging into different fields, I made a match with web development. I’m currently a student web developer with focus in frontend work, but I am interested in dabbling with anything and everything!

About Me

Profile pic

I am originally from Puerto Rico, but I was raised primarily in South Florida. Growing up I had the opportunity to live in both countries. I am grateful to have learned both English and Spanish from a very young age and experience two different cultures.

Towards the end of the summer of 2009, I enlisted In the U.S. Army where I served two enlistments totaling in 6 years. During that time, I was fortunate enough to travel to a number of places including Afghanistan. Through these experiences, I learned many life skills that I will value for years to come.

After the military, I relocated to Atlanta to pursue my education. I started in business but quickly realized that the subject was not something I was passionate about. I later discovered that I really enjoyed being creative, and I liked the idea of learning something that would keep me on my toes. After digging into different fields, I made a match with web development. I’m currently a student web developer with focus in frontend work, but I am interested in dabbling with anything and everything!